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華人石油協會2010年專業研討會定11月舉行 發表論文本月底截止收件 其中15篇將參加明年六月台灣中油舉行之全球研討會
THEME: Meeting Current and Future Challenges in the Petroleum Industry
When: November 5, 2010
Where: Marathon Oil Tower, 5555 San Felipe, Houston TX 77056
Fee: Member: $40.00 Student Member: $30.00
Family Guest: $60.00 Non-Member: $60.00
Dear Members,
I am pleased to inform you that the 2010 CAPA Petroleum and Petrochemical Technical Symposium will be held on Friday, November 5th at the Marathon Oil Tower, 5555 San Felipe Rd, Houston TX 77056. This Symposium has been a great platform for CAPA members to interact, network, and share experience. This year’s theme will be “Meeting Current and Future Challenges in the Petroleum Industry”. We cordially invite all of our CAPA members to actively participate in this event.
This announcement also serves as a call for technical paper submission. Please see the following Appendix for how to submit an abstract. All abstracts shall be sent to Dr. Yu Li (email at yuli2008@comcast.net) by September 30 for consideration. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Yu Li (cell phone: 281-814-6849). More to your interest, we will select 15 papers from this symposium to represent CAPA to participate in the 2011 Global Chinese Petroleum and Petrochemical Technical Symposium to be hosted by Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) in Taiwan, June 2011.
Due to the limited number of technical papers that can be accommodated in the symposium, submittals for integrated studies, industry trends, cutting edge technologies, innovative concepts and important case studies will be given high priorities.
Online registration to the symposium is ready in the CAPA website at www.capaus.org. I look forward for your attendance.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. David Chen
2010 CAPA President and Symposium Chairman
• Abstract deadline is September 30
• Submit your paper to Dr. Yu Li at yuli2008@comcast.net, phone 281-814-6849.
• Please include the following:
- paper title
- abstracts (maximum 300 words)
- technical session (see below category )
- biography (maximum 200 words)
• Use font size, 12, New Times, single line.
• For multiple authors, please indicate the presenter.
• Notification of paper acceptance is October 7.
• All presentations should be limited to 20 minute
Technical Sessions
1. Exploration and Exploitation (Session chairs: Tai-chang Shih, Xinxia Wu, Chengliang Fan)
2. Reservoir: Development and Management (Session chairs: Bruce Shang, Ben Wang, Haitao Ren)
3. Drilling and Production and Facilities (Session chairs: Zhun Li, Chia-Hao Ko, Weiguo Diao)
4. Unconventional and Alternative Resources (Session chairs: Long Ma, JC Wan, C.H. Luk)
5. Downstream and refinery (Session chairs: Linn Fang, Tony Zhang, Ed Liu)
6. M&A, Project and Risk Management (Session chairs: Chang Wang, James Wang, Joan Wu)
Symposium Steering Committee:
David Chen, Yu Li, Xianhuai Zhu, JC Wan, Xingong Li, Ben Wang, Bruce Shang, Chia-Hao Ko, Zhun Li, Tai-chang Shih, Chang Wang, Linn Fang
( 回首頁 Houston eWIND )
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