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Once in the Lifetime Polar Bear


四月十九日 已經是一個月了

在四月十六日 整整四個星期時 我真的在德州的一個有拱的美麗古典禮拜堂裡 在祭壇前及一旁的祈禱室中各點了兩隻蠟燭 蠟燭晶瑩溫暖的光亮 使我的心平暖溫靜下來

想到一位網上的“Knut一族“寫的文字 : “我們的熊什麼時候把他的行李都裝上小車? 我們都不知道他即將離開” 既然很可能Knut如此打算 事情也在三月十九日這樣發生了 如今找到教堂的我 在心裡告訴Knut的爹地Thomas : 要找到他 照顧他 與他待在一起喔

四歲三個月又兩個星期大的北極熊 可以算是剛剛長成 但是在全球的“Knut一族”心中 他可能永遠是那個讓人忍不住有點溺愛的小北極熊

有些道貌岸然的人不免批評全球Knut一族的某些態度 但話說回來 全世界北極熊只剩下兩萬隻左右 族群可見前途坎坷 溺愛一隻在動物園出生 正點可愛到不行的北極熊 又有什麼錯呢?

這一個月中間 檢驗報告在幾度延擱中初步結果出爐 還說日後會有更詳細結果 最受爭議的當然仍是動物園要把Knut製成標本在科學博物館展出的計畫 在網路的連署反對 柏林動物園前的抗議活動後 動物園目前無聲無息 至少暫時不敢表態

但我相信就像某些已以美洲印地安土著方式 替Knut祈禱 釋放靈魂的Knut一族所說的一樣 最重要的是真正的Knut 已到了美好之地 那些違反Knut朋友意願 處理Knut遺體的人 在日後流年不利 與熊的保護神狹路相逢時 就好自為之 自求多福囉

復活節週末許多Knut一族由全球相約 或在網路上或去動物園相見 紀念Knut並為他及爹地祈禱 這曾經一度風靡世界的“柏林夢幻隊伍“所帶給世界的啓發 仍在綿延持續

照片及影片都是Knut 03/18/2011 的留影

照片by C. Berlin; 影片by Brigitte E

“Baby-Bär” Lyrics (from Mervi 的Knut專欄)

In December, on a day we all remember
He was left outside to die
But this baby’s trust inspired and united us
Tears of joy the world did cry

Oh Baby Bear, this life is anything but fair
Even big bears feel afraid
Oh Baby Bear, we wish you lived without a care
Like when you ran and swam and played

Just two days into one fall, across this land was cast a pall
For he lost his Dad that day
He must’ve thought his Pop was running late, not the victim of the cruelest fate
“God help Knut” the world did pray

Oh Baby Bear, this life is anything but fair
Even big bears feel afraid
Oh Baby Bear, we wish you lived without a care
Like when you ran and swam and played

Just two days before one spring, the news spread of an awful thing
And the whole world heaved a sigh
And if my time be short or long, wherever Knut the Bear has gone
Is where I want to go when I die

My Baby Bear
You helped me through the long night
You were my friend

Oh Baby Bear, this life is anything but fair
Even big bears feel afraid, afraid sometimes
Oh Baby Bear, we wish you lived without a care
Like when you ran and swam and played

My Baby Bear, your life was anything but fair
And it’s OK if you felt afraid, afraid sometimes
And even though we’re sad, we know you’re with your loving Dad
Where you can run and swim and play

My Sweet Baby Bear, your life was anything but fair
And it’s OK if you felt afraid, afraid sometimes

Alicia C. Y. Liu

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